Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Wool Wool Everywhere!

Luckily Rhiannon our web designer knows a thing or two about knitting. Why? Well we start a new project next week for the National Museums and Galleries of Wales. We will be making some Welsh learning resources based around the Wool Museum in Drefach, Velindre.

We are capturing the amazing machinery in action and gathering anecdotes from staff and villagers.
Tantrwm have completed a number of projects for the museum, most notably the "On Common Ground" website.
The wool museum project is of special importance to Andrew, director at Tantrwm, as his granddad was born in the same village.
Check back in April to see the finished project.

Monday 5 January 2009

Music Media 2009

And so, January has come around again, and once again, we are all wishing we'd gotten thermal socks for xmas and wondering how soon we can break our new years resolutions and still be able to say we made a decent attempts at giving up chocolate/drinking/video game (delete as appropriate).

But this year, I've made a resolution that should be a pleasure to keep; to find some new music to listen to. And giving me the head start I need is the 2009 edition of the Music Media project, which will introduce me to some of the best new bands in the RCT area.

The Music Media project teams up up and coming bands with hungry young film makers to come up with a music video that hows what they can do.

Here's hoping that this year vintage keeps up the high standards.