Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Monday 31 October 2011

Motivatinal Monday

What does it mean to be determined?

When you’re determined to do something, you’ve set your mind to it. You’ve decided it. You’ve set it in stone. You’ve thrust your shoulders back, put your legs in gear, started your movement, and set off down the road to a destination, without any chance of turning back.
That’s what it means to be determined.
And that’s something that most people will not achieve.
Most people, for whatever reason, rarely set their mind to anything. They waffle and hedge, hem and haw, mumble and make excuses. They may do great things if they set their mind to it, but since they never really get determined, they never really make a difference.
The determined person is going to accomplish their goal, come hell or high water, or die trying. They won’t make excuses, because there is no excuse for not achieving a goal. They set their mind on a course of action, and determinedly keep on working until that goal is achieved and the course of action bears fruit.
The determined person is the one who determines goals, sets goals, and achieves goals.
The determined person determines his or her life’s work, and never lets up until that is achieved.
They may change their mind from time to time, as circumstances present themselves, but they invariably move down the new path with as much determination as they traversed their former road. Determination makes a difference. In fact, determination makes THE difference.

Friday 28 October 2011


This weeks website is aimed at anyone that who creates their own Podcasts.  Tantrwm helps a few organisations in South Wales get their voices out to the masses. Recently we came across this great site that is cheap, easy and high quality - all that you need really. Jellycast is worth checking out...

Monday 24 October 2011



“Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow you’re always a day away.” [Annie]

Altogether too many of us (myself included) look to tomorrow as an alternative time to doing something.
But the real problem here is that tomorrow never comes around. We tend to separate time into chunks of days, but the truth is that time is a continual stream.  Anyone who has stayed up all night will be able to tell you. Both yesterday and tomorrow are mere figments of our imagination, created in order to cut up time into more reasonable chunks that align with the setting and rising of the sun.

So, knowing what you know, does it ever make sense to put something off until tomorrow, knowing that tomorrow really never comes?
Sure, there are things that should be put off, those things that you really shouldn’t be doing anyway. Put them off as long as you want.
But for the items that need to be done, do them today, because if you leave them until tomorrow, they will likely not get done.
So follow this advice, I will try and do it, as much as possible, do things now, don’t put them off, don’t assign them to another time zone, don’t push them into tomorrow, unless you are willing and able to schedule them and complete them.
Too many times, “I’ll get to it tomorrow” is merely a fiction we use to keep from doing something at all.

Friday 21 October 2011


Tantrwm's website of the week:
We consume geekery like the USA consumes oil! So that said, one of our favourite tech insight sites is "Digital Trends". It keeps us up to date with the latest gadgets, apps, game launches, industry insughts and of course all the juicy gossip and rumours. Its like hello magazine for boys but without the bullshit!

Monday 17 October 2011

Motivational Monday

Ok, lets kick off Monday morning with some motivation music for you. So set your play list and you’ll be walking into work with ready to take on the world. Of course we would love to hear your music track list that gets you up and at em on a Monday. Leave comments.

1. Christina Aguilera – Fighter

2. Tina Turner – River deep mountain high

3. Boo Radleys – Wake up boo

4. Queen – We are the champions

5. Sly and the family stone – Everyday People

6. James Brown – I’ve got the power

7. SNAP! – The Power

8. Bobby McFerrin - Don’t worry be happy

9. Eminem - Lose Yourself

10. D:Ream – Things can only get better

Friday 14 October 2011


Tantrwm's website of the week:
A few weeks ago we told you about one of our favourite places to discover new things to make.
Well this week we are giving you another resource that lays out the plans for you to conjure up some pretty cool stuff. We mean really cool. Things like rockets, helicopters, water canons, cool clothes, and way to much to put down here.  Pop along to Instructables and see for yourself. 9/10

Monday 10 October 2011


"Motivational Monday"

Here at Tantrwm we have written some motivational quotation to give you that Monday morning boost.

"Be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left."
Dr Suess (via Stephen Hanks)

“When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it”. By Craig Chapman

“Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living”. By Andrew Chainey

"I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain (Merthyr Mountain). And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land (of Aberdare). " By Craig Harris

 "Unless you're willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won't happen." By Rhiannon Davies

Sunday 9 October 2011

Chomsky and others ar REbellious Media Conference

Recorded session from The Rebellious Media Conference 2011 featuring Chomsky, Michael Albert, Becky Hodge, and some others. Tantrwm recorded and streamed this live with 1500 attendees.
The first 15 minutes is a Korean female speaker that i would forgive you if you skipped - nice content but nit a presenter in the English Language.

Watch live streaming video from rebelliousmedia at

Coming live from the Rebellious media conference 2011.
Chomsky this afternoon.

Friday 7 October 2011

Well that was a busy summer!

Between March and September this year, we produced something in the region of 60 films for a range of clients. From teenage love stories for the National Libraries of Wales to comedy sketches aimed at students studying English as a foreign language for the British Council. One project came hot on the heels of another.

And now the fruits of our labour are being released to an enthusiastic audience, it feels a bit like having your children leave home to go to college. Thankfully, the feedback we have been getting has been great.

The folk at ITEFL (who know a bit about teaching English as a foreign language) have hailed the films we created for the British Council as 'some of the best teaching resources' they have ever had'.

The films we have made to promote libraries for sixth formers are now going to be used to promote public libraries as well as college libraries... as the public libraries liked them so very much.

The film we made to explain child employment law to young people in RCT, is now going to be used nationally, as there was nothing else that came close to it in terms of explaining children's rights to children.

So all the hard work has paid off, and while we may have spent much of the summer months with our eyes glued to computer screens (was there the BBQ summer they were speaking about?), it seems like someone up there liked us enough to give us an Indian summer to make up for it.


Tantrwm's website of the week:
The Khan Academy blew us away when we were first introduced to it. A totally free resource that will assist children, parents, teachers and your accountant with their mathematical abilities. Taking you from absolute zero mathematical ability through to the knowledge needed to crash the World banking system, the Khan Academy really is a brilliant tool for everyone to improve their knowledge.

Monday 3 October 2011

Motivational Monday

“Bi-pass that Monday feeling”

Here are 10 tips on avoiding the Monday Blues, you don’t have to do them all at once but try a few and see how you get on……

1.  Buy something new for Monday - it doesn’t have to be big or expensive – a pen, a sketchbook, fancy post-it stickers.

2. Listen to happy songs – a tune can affect your mood. Let cheery, happy songs be the soundtrack to your Monday.

3. Plan your day in small gentle steps. Apply micro movements throughout the day. You can use a GTD system or simply divide your day into of 1/2 – 1 hour chunks with a goal for each time unit.

4. Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest colour from your wardrobe. You’d be surprise how much your clothes could affect the way you feel about yourself.

5. Complete as much work possible on Friday – you’ll have less work to worry about on Monday, which lead to the next point:

6. Choose to feel happy. If you don’t already know, being happy is a choice, so choose happiness!

7. Plan something special for Monday night – meet a friend for dinner, rent a DVD. The day will be easier when you have something to look forward to.

8. Dance - just move that body! Jog in place, stretch, do yoga. You’ll feel less lethargic.

9. Affirmative statements – Today is a great day. I will complete my report today. Stick positive messages around your monitor and take them seriously.

10. Do not get distracted. Youtube, Facebook, personal emails. Once you allow yourself to get distracted you will be sucked into hours of time-wasting activities. If you don’t have the discipline to limit your distraction to 10 minutes, don’t attempt to do it at all. Reading blogs like this is another time-sucker so now that you’ve reach the bottom of the list, why don’t you get working! :)