Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Monday 31 October 2011

Motivatinal Monday

What does it mean to be determined?

When you’re determined to do something, you’ve set your mind to it. You’ve decided it. You’ve set it in stone. You’ve thrust your shoulders back, put your legs in gear, started your movement, and set off down the road to a destination, without any chance of turning back.
That’s what it means to be determined.
And that’s something that most people will not achieve.
Most people, for whatever reason, rarely set their mind to anything. They waffle and hedge, hem and haw, mumble and make excuses. They may do great things if they set their mind to it, but since they never really get determined, they never really make a difference.
The determined person is going to accomplish their goal, come hell or high water, or die trying. They won’t make excuses, because there is no excuse for not achieving a goal. They set their mind on a course of action, and determinedly keep on working until that goal is achieved and the course of action bears fruit.
The determined person is the one who determines goals, sets goals, and achieves goals.
The determined person determines his or her life’s work, and never lets up until that is achieved.
They may change their mind from time to time, as circumstances present themselves, but they invariably move down the new path with as much determination as they traversed their former road. Determination makes a difference. In fact, determination makes THE difference.

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