Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Monday 3 October 2011

Motivational Monday

“Bi-pass that Monday feeling”

Here are 10 tips on avoiding the Monday Blues, you don’t have to do them all at once but try a few and see how you get on……

1.  Buy something new for Monday - it doesn’t have to be big or expensive – a pen, a sketchbook, fancy post-it stickers.

2. Listen to happy songs – a tune can affect your mood. Let cheery, happy songs be the soundtrack to your Monday.

3. Plan your day in small gentle steps. Apply micro movements throughout the day. You can use a GTD system or simply divide your day into of 1/2 – 1 hour chunks with a goal for each time unit.

4. Wear your best clothes or the cheeriest colour from your wardrobe. You’d be surprise how much your clothes could affect the way you feel about yourself.

5. Complete as much work possible on Friday – you’ll have less work to worry about on Monday, which lead to the next point:

6. Choose to feel happy. If you don’t already know, being happy is a choice, so choose happiness!

7. Plan something special for Monday night – meet a friend for dinner, rent a DVD. The day will be easier when you have something to look forward to.

8. Dance - just move that body! Jog in place, stretch, do yoga. You’ll feel less lethargic.

9. Affirmative statements – Today is a great day. I will complete my report today. Stick positive messages around your monitor and take them seriously.

10. Do not get distracted. Youtube, Facebook, personal emails. Once you allow yourself to get distracted you will be sucked into hours of time-wasting activities. If you don’t have the discipline to limit your distraction to 10 minutes, don’t attempt to do it at all. Reading blogs like this is another time-sucker so now that you’ve reach the bottom of the list, why don’t you get working! :)

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