Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Friday 29 October 2010

Make iT!

About to enter its 6th year, the Make iT media project, which Tantrwm has been involved in since the beginning, is going to have a big shindig, down at the Muni in Pontypridd on Saturday 30/10/10.

Featuring some great young bands, we highly recommend going...

If you are aged 14 to 19 and are keen to get involved, then make sure that you apply to participate in the 2011 sceme, it's a great learning experience and well worth it for anyone looking to pursue a career in film or television.

Here is a link to one of the videos made last year...

Wednesday 27 October 2010

RAISE me up!

We do a lot of work with schools; teaching kids how to make films, to make music and of course get them writing for but we've just finished work on a project that aims to teach teachers, new ways of teaching!

The Raise project looks a a number of local primary schools who have implemented innovative ways of teaching children to love reading and writing... suffice to say that the Tantrwm crew were suitably impressed and hope that the techniques get rolled out to all schools.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Panda Car goes global!

It seems that Panda Car, our film about a struggling dad trying to avoid financial ruin and bank charges, has struck a nerve with the wider public...

Three days after being released online, it has been picked up and is being featured on Daily Motion's UK home page! So yesterday we picked up over 3000 views!

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Popular appeal...

Stories, that's what it is all about... that's what made us here at Tantrwm want to start making films in the first place... and so of course as well as all the other great stuff we've been making, we've been producing dramas.

Just wrapped finally complete is Magpie, a UK Film Council funded short film, starring Johnny Harris, whose menacing performance in the Channel 4 smash hit, "This is England '86" has been receiving rave reviews up and down the country... more news on this to follow.

Also, Panda Car, a drama directed by Tantrwm's Creative Director, Stephen Hanks has just been released online, and was this morning top of the popular now list on Daily Motion, maintaing a full five star rating... and we just got a phone call from Salford Film Festival saying they have selected Panda Car to be screened at their festival...

Panda Car can be seen here...

Please spread the link far and wide, so we get as many views as we can!