Boys Playing Football from I Didnt Think

Monday 5 December 2011

Motivational Monday

Self Motivation Tips For Success

Self motivation tips is a lens that will help you develop some of the internal skills that lead to you achieving much more in life. As a professional coach one of the things that I find with a number of people is that they are capable of many great things but really struggle to follow through unless they are being "pushed". With them the motivation is external and most of the time they're looking for someone else to keep them going. A much more empowering way would be for them to learn some of the techniques for self motivation and that way they would not only achieve more but they would have a far stronger sense of achievement.

In this lens we'll look at some of those motivational techniques and how you can take them and apply them in your own life. Here's the kicker though; If you don't apply them they won't work for you. Stunningly obvious I know but sadly it's where most people fail. You probably know at least one person like that. They can tell you word for word the teachings of the best motivational speakers like Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, Robin Scharma and the rest of the guys. They can give you a reading list to make the British Library envious. They've probably bought every success cd on the market and attended motivational summits but they're still in the same place they started at. Why? Simply because that's all great stuff but it's external and they lack SELF motivation.

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